Contact Us:
Admissions Office: 717-776-1277 x1
Address: 22 South High Street
Newville, PA 17241
Admissions Email:
Preschool Prep
Bulldog Prep Academy offers 5 day, 3 day, and 2 day Preschool learning sessions to help children develop the social emotional and basic academic skills that they will need as a foundation to more advanced learning. Our curriculum is themed based, with a daily focus on play, learning centers, and whole group social and educational activities.
Morning and afternoon snack will be provided by the academy. You will be required to pack a lunch for your child. If your child arrives before 8:00am and wishes to eat breakfast, you will need to provide breakfast for ONLY your child. Bulldog Prep Academy, LLC will provide regular 2% milk or almond milk for breakfast.
Children eligible for this program are 2 - 3 years of age. They can attend Preschool Prep for more than one year.
Minimum requirements for children being considered for admission in our Preschool Prep Progam:
* Must not be taking a pacifier
* Must drink from a regular water bottle with a flip top straw. Water bottles are filled with water ONLY.
* Must not be bottle feeding
* Must be eating regular food. Baby food will not be permitted.
* Must take only one nap (between 12:30 and 2:45 each day). Naps will be on a cot that is at floor level.
If you are interested in finding out more about our Preschool Prep Programs, please contact our administrative office at 717-776-1277, x1 to schedule a tour and intake interview.